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Store Decor as Marketing 🤔

Sergei Timshin

You may noticed that SAVA storefront looks a little different each season.

From our humble research we noticed that majority of our guests are people who are passing by our store. So we decided to make storefront decor a part of our marketing initiatives to help us connect with our guests and stand out.

Currently, we're approaching the Halloween season, and of course, we couldn’t miss the chance to embrace it. If you visit SAVA now, you'll find some spooky decorations. Even our regular owl mascot has transformed into a skeleton owl! 👻

In addition, Sergei even did some outdoor sampling in a Halloween costumes (which, admittedly, confused a few people!)

And traditionally, we launched a special Halloween/October menu at both locations:

  • Mr. Mummy Crepe

  • RIP Crepe

  • Sausage Kraut Crepe

  • Turkey Cranberry Crepe

By the way, on October 26th, SAVA on Yonge will be celebrating Halloween. Uptown Yonge BIA @uptownyongebia is organizing their annual Halloween Hunt Up. There will be costume contest, trick-or-treating, pumpkins carving and other family activities. Come to show of your Halloween outfit!

Although Roncy doesn’t have any big events planned, we’ll still be dressing up on October 31st to celebrate the occasion!

Don’t miss the chance to stop by and check it out!Store Decor as a Marketing Activity 🤔

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